2021-2022 Fellows In Training

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  • 1.  AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 06-30-2021 15:47
    Hello everyone!
          First off congratulations on finishing residency and starting fellowship! It's going to be a super fun year! I wanted to introduce me and DJ and give some information on the monthly zoom lecture series we've been doing for the last two years. 

    I'm Kirk and I'm just starting my second year of practice in Dan Becker's group in Philly. DJ is also starting his second year with James Newman in Palo Alto. During our fellowship year (COVID!) we started a lecture series on Zoom that was very popular. We continued doing monthly lectures last year which fellows found very helpful. The topics have been wide ranging and strive to "bridge the gaps" for topics that most people don't get a lot of exposure with (less talks about "facelift", "rhinoplasty", etc). We will have our first lecture towards the end of July from a young FP surgeon on how best to approach your fellowship year. Keep an eye out for time and date!

    We have designated two fellows to help organize and run these monthly lectures: Grace Wu (UPenn fellow) and Garrett Locketz (NYU fellow). I have included everyone's contact information below. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Thanks for reading this email and have a great first week of fellowship!

    Kirk Lozada: (e): drkirklozada@gmail.com (c): 808-386-2087
    DJ Gadaleta: (e): dominickgadaleta@gmail.com (c): 516-220-2826

    Kirkland Lozada
    Lozada Facial Plastic Surgery
    Philadelphia PA

  • 2.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 07-04-2021 08:06
    Edited by Grace Wu 07-04-2021 08:08
    Thanks for introducing this Kirk! Before we get started with our first lecture, if everyone could fill out this super short 2 minute survey on what times work best and what topics are of interest to them, that will help us design the curriculum this year.


    Hope everyone is getting some sun this 4th of July!

    Grace Wu
    University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia PA

  • 3.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 07-21-2021 08:55
    Hi everyone!

    Hope everyone has had an excellent first few weeks. I would like to introduce our first lecture of this fellowship year from a recent graduate...

    When: 8/1/21, 1pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME
    Topic: "How To Maximize Your Fellowship Year"   
    Speaker: Erin Smith, MD
    Zoom link (this will be the same link all year):
    Meeting ID: 812 7186 7933
    Password: 717020

    Hope to see you all there! Please pay attention to the time/time zone!

    Grace Wu
    SUNY Upstate
    Syracuse NY

  • 4.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 08-01-2021 10:40
    Hey everyone,
         Just as a last minute reminder the info for the zoom lecture is below. It is TODAY at 1pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME

    When: 8/1/21, 1pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME
    Topic: "How To Maximize Your Fellowship Year"   
    Speaker: Erin Smith, MD
    Zoom link (this will be the same link all year):
    Meeting ID: 812 7186 7933
    Password: 717020

    Hope to see you all there! Please pay attention to the time/time zone!

    Kirkland Lozada
    Lozada Facial Plastic Surgery
    Philadelphia PA

  • 5.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 09-04-2021 16:48
    Edited by Grace Wu 09-04-2021 16:48
    Hi everyone!

    Ugh it's such a bummer that AAFPRS is going virtual this year, I was really hoping to meet everybody! It's probably for the best though, and we can still get together virtually. With that said, I'd like to announce our second zoom lecture of the year:

    When: 9/12/21, 1pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME
    Topic: "Facial Reanimation"
    Speaker: Babak Azizzadeh, MD
    Zoom link (this will be the same link all year):
    Meeting ID: 812 7186 7933
    Password: 717020

    Grace Wu
    University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia, PA

  • 6.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 09-13-2021 14:20
    Hey! I am sad to have missed this one. Are these lectures recorded?

    Nicole Starr
    Lexington KY

  • 7.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 09-21-2021 09:30
    Edited by Grace Wu 09-21-2021 09:30
    Yes! Everyone who responded with their email in the survey we sent out in July should have just gotten an invitation to a google drive where all lectures will be uploaded. If you want access, please let me or Garrett know!

    Grace Wu
    University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia PA

  • 8.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 09-21-2021 09:37
    Edited by Grace Wu 09-21-2021 09:38
    Hi everyone!

    It's time for the third zoom lecture - hope to see you all there! And mark your calendars... the following lecture will be Oct 10 and the topic will be fillers. We will likely be having that lecture at 11am Eastern time.

    When: 9/26/21, 1pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME
    Topic: "How to build a cosmetic facial plastics practice in an academic/employed setting"
    Speaker: Amar Suryadevara, MD
    Zoom link (this will be the same link all year):
    Meeting ID: 812 7186 7933
    Password: 717020

    Grace Wu
    University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia PA

  • 9.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 10-01-2021 18:08
    Next zoom lecture is at 11AM Eastern!

    When: 10/10/21, 11AM EASTERN STANDARD TIME
    Topic: Fillers
    Speaker: Jason Bloom, MD
    Zoom link (this will be the same link all year):
    Meeting ID: 812 7186 7933
    Password: 717020

    Grace Wu
    University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia PA

  • 10.  RE: AAFPRS Fellowship Zoom Series 2021-2022

    Posted 01-04-2022 13:33
    Happy New Year everyone!

    We have some great lecturers lined up for the new year! Next up is Dr. Sidney Starkman - he gives a great talk about starting up your own practice and we've invited him back this year to talk about marketing and reputation building.

    When: 1/16/22, 1PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME
    Topic: Marketing and Reputation Building
    Speaker: Sidney J. Starkman, MD
    Zoom link (this will be the same link all year):
    Meeting ID: 812 7186 7933
    Password: 717020


    Grace Wu
    University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia PA